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Distances between LL47 and other UK Postcodes / Post Codes

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The table below shows the distances between LL47 and all the other postcodes in the UK. The distances between the post codes are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate but they should be pretty reliable. The distances are displayed both in kilometers (km) and in miles and the distances between the postcodes are also calculated 'as the crow flies' i.e. point to point from LL47 postcode and by road mileage i.e. driving distances to LL47 etc. The distances from LL47 to the other postcodes are shown in ascending distance order so you effectively have the postcodes within a radius from postcode LL47... this means the postcode data is ideal for "where's my nearest" functionality that some websites require.

Contact if you want to buy postcode data (e.g. sql data / csv data), journey distance calculator scripts (e.g. php scripts, asp scripts etc), trip cost calaculators for your website, online delivery charge calculators, web functionality to work out courier costs or call-out fees or if you want a desktop software application designing that uses postcode info to determine distances, charges or coverage areas. Basically, if your project uses postcodes then would be a sensible first contact!

This postcode site provides a free service to enable people to quickly determine the mileage between two different postcodes in the UK. I hope that you find it useful and that if you have a requirement for postcode data or distance calculation functionality in your website that you consider contacting for a quote, thanks..

Need postcode data or postcode distance calculating functionality built into your website?

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Clicking a hyperlinked post code in the postcode column will display a table like the one below but for the selected postcode area. The table is presented in order of ascending distance from postcode LL47 to the other UK postcodes. As an alternative view of the data you can also see alphabetically sorted list of postcodes and the distances between them and LL47 postcode - rather than scraping the data from multiple pages (and the free version of the postcode data is only about 80% complete anyway!) why not contact us and let us know what you are after?

Distance as the crow flies
Distance by Road
 Postcode PH17   LL47  422 km   262 miles   527 km   327 miles  
 Postcode PA73   LL47  423 km   263 miles   528 km   328 miles  
 Postcode DD8   LL47  424 km   263 miles   530 km   328 miles  
 Postcode PH16   LL47  424 km   263 miles   530 km   328 miles  
 Postcode PA74   LL47  428 km   266 miles   535 km   332 miles  
 Postcode PH18   LL47  431 km   268 miles   538 km   335 miles  
 Postcode PA75   LL47  434 km   270 miles   542 km   337 miles  
 Postcode PH30   LL47  434 km   270 miles   542 km   337 miles  
 Postcode DD9   LL47  437 km   271 miles   546 km   338 miles  
 Postcode PA77   LL47  439 km   273 miles   548 km   341 miles  
 Postcode PH36   LL47  440 km   273 miles   550 km   341 miles  
 Postcode DD10   LL47  441 km   274 miles   551 km   342 miles  
 Postcode PH33   LL47  442 km   274 miles   552 km   342 miles  
 Postcode PA78   LL47  444 km   276 miles   555 km   345 miles  
 Postcode PH31   LL47  447 km   278 miles   558 km   347 miles  
 Postcode PH37   LL47  447 km   278 miles   558 km   347 miles  
 Postcode PH19   LL47  449 km   279 miles   561 km   348 miles  
 Postcode PH34   LL47  451 km   280 miles   563 km   350 miles  
 Postcode AB30   LL47  451 km   280 miles   563 km   350 miles  
 Postcode PH38   LL47  452 km   281 miles   565 km   351 miles  
 Postcode PH39   LL47  461 km   286 miles   576 km   357 miles  
 Postcode PH20   LL47  462 km   287 miles   577 km   358 miles  
 Postcode AB35   LL47  464 km   288 miles   579 km   360 miles  
 Postcode PH42   LL47  465 km   289 miles   581 km   361 miles  
 Postcode PH40   LL47  465 km   289 miles   581 km   361 miles  
 Postcode PH21   LL47  466 km   289 miles   582 km   361 miles  
 Postcode PH35   LL47  468 km   291 miles   584 km   363 miles  
 Postcode PH41   LL47  470 km   292 miles   587 km   365 miles  
 Postcode AB34   LL47  473 km   294 miles   591 km   367 miles  
 Postcode PH32   LL47  474 km   294 miles   592 km   367 miles  
 Postcode AB31   LL47  475 km   295 miles   593 km   368 miles  
 Postcode PH22   LL47  478 km   297 miles   597 km   371 miles  
 Postcode IV45   LL47  478 km   297 miles   597 km   371 miles  
 Postcode PH43   LL47  479 km   297 miles   598 km   371 miles  
 Postcode AB36   LL47  482 km   299 miles   602 km   373 miles  
 Postcode IV44   LL47  483 km   300 miles   603 km   375 miles  
 Postcode PH24   LL47  485 km   301 miles   606 km   376 miles  
 Postcode IV46   LL47  485 km   301 miles   606 km   376 miles  
 Postcode AB32   LL47  486 km   302 miles   607 km   377 miles  
 Postcode PH25   LL47  486 km   302 miles   607 km   377 miles  
 Postcode IV43   LL47  487 km   302 miles   608 km   377 miles  
 Postcode PH44   LL47  488 km   303 miles   609 km   378 miles  
 Postcode PH23   LL47  488 km   303 miles   609 km   378 miles  
 Postcode AB33   LL47  488 km   303 miles   609 km   378 miles  
 Postcode AB22   LL47  493 km   306 miles   616 km   382 miles  
 Postcode IV13   LL47  494 km   307 miles   617 km   383 miles  
 Postcode PH26   LL47  494 km   307 miles   617 km   383 miles  
 Postcode AB37   LL47  495 km   307 miles   618 km   383 miles  
 Postcode AB23   LL47  496 km   308 miles   619 km   385 miles  
 Postcode IV42   LL47  496 km   308 miles   619 km   385 miles  

You can move through the table of postcode distances in km and miles from the one postcode to the next / previous set of UK postcodes using the navigation links below...

UK Postcodes 2351 to 2400 of 2482
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If you are a developer you are free to just buy the postcode data and code the postcode / distance functionality yourself... or if you are an end-user you can use us to develop the functionality for you whatever it is, whether it's something for your existing website or a special application for use by people in your organisation we will provide you with a fast and professional service and cost effective solutions to your postcode, distance and cost calculating requirements.

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